
A book about the history of civilization after the recent near extinction impact which scientists still fail to recognize despite overwhelming evidence.

Survivors of the Great Tsunami by A.J. RaubenheimerIt happened on the night of Wednesday, 21 October 2193 BC. The Burckle asteroid, one of many, struck the Indian Ocean 1500 kilometers south-east of Madagascar with the force of several million nuclear warheads. Planet earth shuddered and tilted on her axis. Tectonic plates shook and rocked violently on the planet’s built-in shock absorber - the underlying magma. Around the globe volcanoes erupted. Tsunamis from the impact and from thousands of earthquakes sped around the earth in a frenzy of destruction as earth adjusted to her new rotation axis. Trillions of tons of sea water and superheated steam were flung into the stratosphere. The wall of water from the impact towered hundreds of meters above the ocean as it raced towards land.

On the East Coast of China it was already mid-morning and in India dawn was breaking. From Europe to the Middle East people were blissfully asleep. First came the violent tremors followed by the air blast and the unimaginable mountains of water. Cities, towns and forests were crushed and swept away in an instant. Obliterated. Millions died. In the darkness they could not see it coming. They never knew what hit them.

 In China the Hongsan Culture came to an end. In Egypt the Old Kingdom, the builders of the great pyramids, was destroyed. The Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan and India was wiped out and in the Middle East the Empire of Akkad ceased to exist. Man came to the brink of extinction. All that remained were the myths, folklore and legends. More than four thousand years later archaeologists would discover their relics in the sand.

On wrangle Island in the Arctic Ocean the last Mammoths died out and in Europe the most advanced civilization on the face of the earth seemingly disappeared without a trace. Seemingly…

This is their story – incredible but true.


"The first law for the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth. The second is that he shall suppress nothing that is true. Moreover, there shall be no suspicion of partiality in his writing, or of malice."

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) –De Oratore II, 62.


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